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Susie Madsen-Green

Susie Madsen-Green

Tax Associate

Introducing the dynamo of digits, the tap-dancing tornado, and the reigning champion of balancing budgets and beats—let’s give it up for Super Mom!

With nearly 34 years in the accounting ring, she’s juggled more numbers than a clown at a math convention and handled more budgets than a Kardashian on a shopping spree. But don’t be fooled by her calculator-wielding prowess; she’s also a bookworm extraordinaire, devouring thrillers, espionage, and mysteries faster than her kids devour candy.

When she’s not tap-tap-tapping away at her keyboard or solving crimes with her favorite fictional detectives, you’ll find Super Mom taking her talents to the competitive tap-dancing circuit. That’s right, folks, she’s the secret tap-dancing sensation of the neighborhood, bringing rhythm and flair to every step and leaving her competitors in the dust (or rather, on the dance floor).

But wait, there’s more! In her downtime, you can catch Super Mom indulging in her random yet secure hobby: competitive potato sculpting. Yep, she’s the Picasso of potatoes, turning spuds into masterpieces faster than you can say “carbohydrate creativity.”

And when it comes to snacks, she’s got a refined palate that includes Indian food, potatoes in any form, and her ultimate guilty pleasure—Flaming Hot Funyuns washed down with Pepsi on the rocks. Because why settle for regular snacks when you can have a flavor explosion in your mouth?

So, whether you need financial advice, book recommendations, or a partner for your next tap-dancing throwdown, Super Mom is your go-to superhero. Just be sure to bring your own tap shoes and a bag of Funyuns—she’s always ready to dance and snack the night away!

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