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Eden Bodine

Eden Bodine


Introducing Eden, the newest member of our team since November 2023! Not only is she a line dancing queen, effortlessly gliding across the floor with the grace of a seasoned cowgirl, but she also brings a strong admin game to the table, communicating with clients like a seasoned pro. When she’s not kicking up dust on the dance floor, you can catch her wrangling spreadsheets and lassoin’ deadlines with ease. And let’s not forget her knack for push pops—she’s the ultimate connoisseur, turning snack time into a delicious adventure.

Whether she’s two-stepping her way through the day or charming clients with her top-notch communication skills, Eden knows how to keep the party going both in and out of the office. With her around, work is not just productive—it’s a downright hoedown!

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