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JP Schultz

JP Schultz

Tax Associate

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce JP, the enigmatic enigma wrapped in a riddle, with a side of mystery sauce and a dash of swine wrestling bravado!

JP is not your average Joe. With a personality as eclectic as a thrift store wardrobe and a sense of humor that can brighten the gloomiest of Mondays, JP is the kind of person you want on your team, whether you’re storming the boardroom or planning an epic office prank.

JP’s background? Well, it’s a bit like a Choose Your Own Adventure book—full of unexpected twists and turns. From climbing the corporate ladder to chasing dreams in far-flung corners of the globe, JP’s journey is as diverse as a buffet at a food festival.

But wait, there’s more! When JP isn’t busy cracking jokes or plotting world domination, they might be found exploring the great outdoors, strumming a guitar under the stars, or concocting a culinary masterpiece in the kitchen (with varying degrees of success). And let’s not forget JP’s unique hobby—pig wrestling! Yes, you heard it right. When JP isn’t wrangling spreadsheets, they’re out there wrangling pigs like a modern-day cowboy (or cowperson).

But above all, JP is a friend, a confidant, and a beacon of light in a world sometimes overshadowed by seriousness. So, here’s to JP—may your adventures be wild, your jokes be plentiful, and your days be filled with laughter, joy, and maybe just a little bit of mud!

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