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Katherine White

Katherine White

Billing Specialist

Meet Katherine, the Swiss army knife of our team—she’s got more talents than a circus clown on roller skates! Graduating from Cottonwood High School in 2012, she embarked on a journey that reads like a choose-your-own-adventure novel.

Starting off as a barista extraordinaire, Katherine whipped up lattes with such finesse, they should’ve been served with a side of applause. But then, like a caffeinated tornado, she swept into the healthcare industry, leaving a trail of organized chaos and happy patients in her wake. From skilled nursing facilities to home health and hospice companies, Katherine’s admin prowess was the secret sauce that kept operations running smoother than a greased pig at a county fair.

Now, as the reigning queen of billing, she’s the financial maestro who keeps our numbers in line, balancing budgets with the precision of a tightrope walker. And let’s not forget her most important role—being the fearless mom to Lucy, the tiny tornado who keeps her on her toes faster than a speeding bullet.

But wait, there’s more! In her spare time (if she has any), Katherine channels her inner daredevil with a cheese rolling hobby that’s more exhilarating than a roller coaster ride. Dodging wheels of cheddar down steep hills? It’s all in a day’s work for our resident adrenaline junkie.

So, whether she’s pulling espresso shots with the finesse of a ninja or dodging dairy projectiles like a pro, Katherine’s journey is a wild ride filled with laughter, adventure, and maybe just a hint of melted cheese.

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